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Nadirisms 61-64: Human, Citizen, & Humanity; & The Age of a Bird

Writer's picture: Corbin AllardiceCorbin Allardice

61st Nadirism:

In the past, idealists struggled for the right of all people to be citizens, now they struggle for the right of all citizens to be people.

Amolike tsaytn hobn idealistn gekemft derfar, az ale mentshn zoln hobn a rekht tsu zayn birger, haynt kemfn zey derfar, az ale birger zoln hobn a rekht tsu zayn mentshn.

62nd Nadirism:

Human? Or humanity?

The architect doesn’t have a plan for the brick. They only have a plan for the whole building--by way of the individual bricks.

The “goodness” of a brick consists in being quadrilateral, in its ability to be placed precisely there, where it must go, and to fit there (socially speaking).

Mentsh? Oder mentshhayt?

Der arkhitekt hot nisht keyn shum plan far dem tsigl. Er hot nor a plan far dem gantsn binyen--durkh di eyntsike tsigl.

Di “gutkayt” fun a tsigl bashteyt in zayn firekekhdik in zayn feikayt avektsuleygn akurat do, vu m’darf, un zikh (gezelshaftlekh) araynpasn.

63rd Nadirism:

We acclaim the human and--shame that which is human.

Men kroynt dem mentshn un--farshemt dos mentshlekhe.

64th Nadirism:

An old bird with a puffed-up chest goes around like a young rogue, his chest sways like a young duck’s and his many-colored yarmulke wobbles on his proud, raised head. He eats and sings, sings and eats. And so it goes, until his unfortunate brother shows up asking for a little help. After that, he stops being a singer entirely, and starts ro be an eater, only an eater.

An alter foygl mit a hoykh bristol gey arum iber der gas zeyer voylerish un shoklt mit dem oyberkerperl vi a yung katshkele un dos farbike yarmlkele tsitert af zayn ufgehoybenem, shtoltsn kop. Er est un zingt, zingt un est. Azoy lang biz vanet zayn umgliklekher bruder kumt tsu geyn un bet az er zol im oykh epes gebn. Demolt hert er ingantsn uf tsu zayn a zinger, un heybt on tsu zayn bloyz an eser.

By Moyshe Nadir

Translated by Corbin Allardice

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