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Corbin Allardice
Sep 12, 20202 min read
August 25, 1911
I don’t experience moods. Moods are lies. No, they are true, my truth, but a truth I do not want.* It’s depressing outside. Already...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 11, 20202 min read
August 23, 1911
There is a great deal of petty evil in me. I choke it, and it chokes me.* It breaks out from time to time. Only from time to time? What...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 10, 20202 min read
August 22, 1911
There is a higher ethics and a lower one: one is the ethics of life, the other is that of the monastery. Someone lives with everything,...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 9, 20202 min read
August 21, 1911
I am immoral, in and of myself. A clear sign of this is that I have no memory. The moral character remembers everything, and he is either...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 8, 20203 min read
August 20, 1911
I have a tendency to lie, and every form in which this tendency manifests itself is tethered to something base. As I have instructed:...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 7, 20201 min read
August 17, 1911
Yes, I was so close to hysteria. It only lasted a few minutes, I suppose. I felt emptied, and the more time passed--the stronger the...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 6, 20202 min read
August 15, 1911
August 15 “Darkness there and nothing more.” A fine pearl of the 19th century.* This is just declamation, the search for affective words,...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 5, 20202 min read
August 13, 1911
It is immoral to live an unselfconscious life. It is not permitted for one’s life to be determined by the blind forces of inheritance,...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 4, 20202 min read
August 10, 1911
I am sleepy, tired. I want nothing. Just forgetting. Just sleep. Sloth has embraced me; her arms are soft, yet cold and slippery. I look...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 3, 20202 min read
August 8, 1911
Can I want? If a person truly wants something, this thing and not something else--they achieve it. But do I want? What do I want? A...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 3, 20201 min read
August 6, 1911
The sense of my life--for every life must have a sense--is to bear my own soul, that coward, which God gave to me, until the end of my...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 3, 20202 min read
August 4, 1911
A human lives only in truth, and by reason of truth. Truth is the great mystery of life: nothing becomes something, from shadow--reality....

Corbin Allardice
Sep 3, 20203 min read
Moyshe Varshe: A biographical forward
Moyshe Varshe was born in the small Lithuanian shtetl Antopol.* When he was a child, his parents moved to Plotsk. It was in that quiet,...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 3, 20202 min read
August 1, 1911
What am I? An egocentrist? I am obsessed with myself, again with myself. I spin endlessly in circles. Around my--fear, anguish, the heavy...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 3, 20202 min read
July 30, 1911
Two paths. One--dying. The other: “Laying out my entire life on my knees before you, perhaps you will forgive my black sin.” There is no...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 3, 20201 min read
July 28, 1911
I am afraid of my diary. Diary is consciousness, an accounting of the soul. It is like an attacking light, and I have hidden in a corner,...
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