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Corbin Allardice
Oct 22, 20201 min read
Moyshe Varshe - Book Finished!!
Wow, with that last entry, the entirety of Metempsychoses: The Diary and Writings of Moyshe Varshe (vegn fun a neshome: togbukh, ferzn,...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 22, 20201 min read
Commonplace Book 7: Et Cetera (Final Entry)
Ovid Forgive, and bear it all happy. (source unknown) Fartsey, un trog alts iber dermutik. Shakespeare Forbear to judge, for we are...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 21, 20208 min read
Commonplace Book 6: Stanisław Brzozowski
(Note: Today's entry consists of Varshe's translation of the Polish philosopher Stanisław Brzozowski. Unfortunately, the latter is all...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 20, 20209 min read
Commonplace Book 5: Otto Weininger
(Note: The present entry consists of Varshe's translations and adaptations from Sex and Character (Geschlecht und Charakter) by the...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 19, 20202 min read
Commonplace Book 4: Nietzsche
And if that is my alpha and omega, that all heaviness becomes light, all body dancer, all spirit bird – and truly, that is my alpha and...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 18, 20203 min read
Commonplace Book 3: Walt Whitman
[Note: Although perhaps contingent--the result of unfinished or sloppy work, of bad bookkeeping or so on--it seems apparent from the...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 15, 20204 min read
Commonplace Book 2: Marcus Aurelius
Translation 2: Marcus Aurelius (Note: This entry consists of Varshe's translations from Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. In this instance, I...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 14, 20207 min read
Commonplace Book 1: Gospels (Evangelium)
Gospels (Evangelium) (Note: The rvemainder of the books consists of fragments of Varshe's translation. It is remarkable the degree to...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 13, 20201 min read
Poem 18 - Parable of the Blind Man (Final Poem)
Poem 18 - Parable of the Blind Man (Untitled) And someone with blind eyes comes before me And stands silent in the doorway. His eyes...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 12, 20201 min read
Poem 17 - Maybe (Untitled)
And maybe?...maybe?... The devil played me like Job, Smelled how the stink of prey from me arose; And then he reached out and touched my...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 11, 20202 min read
Poem 16 - A Lullaby (Untitled)
Who came to me in the silence of night, who came to despoil the radiant light Of my still childish vision? Who crooked my spine with a...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 10, 20201 min read
Poem 15 - Quiet Watched the Moon (Untitled)
I ran out to the street. The street was still asleep In a black and burdened dream. Quiet watched the moon With a dead face, dead and...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 9, 20201 min read
Poem 14 - Dumah (Untitled)
In a long, insomniac night when I thought, in sorrow spirling, That it would never be--then, quietly, he came to me-- He brought me...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 8, 20202 min read
Poems 11,12, & 13: Mother, Adieu!, & Speak, Be Silent
Poem 11-- Mother (Untitled) Mother, mother, poor old mother, Do you know that your son, Your only son, Is long since dead? And when you...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 5, 20201 min read
Poem 10 - Mute Resonance
Poem 10 - Mute Resonance (Untitled)* In its fear of death my soul forgets That wordless resonance! Turning to dust without a word The...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 4, 20201 min read
Poem 9: Wandering Eye (Untitled)
Trees and houses floating, dancing, It all wrapped in haze, And in the gray dancing, streets revolve quiet, revolve crazed. A drowsy,...

Corbin Allardice
Oct 3, 20201 min read
Poems 7 & 8: Black Sin & The Garden
Poem 7 - Black Sin (Untitled) Permit me yet to live my entire life kneeling at your feet Perhaps then you will forgive me my black sin....

Corbin Allardice
Oct 1, 20203 min read
Poem 6: Investiture
Investiture (Untitled) God invested in me:* A pure, white soul, With a child’s laugh And with a child’s cringe, ** And two white doves...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 30, 20201 min read
Poem 5 - Trauerorgel (untitled)
A world is sinking, and she trembles, Trembles in mute pain, And from generations then to generations on, Quiet mourning carries on. The...

Corbin Allardice
Sep 29, 20201 min read
Poems 3 &4: An Eye & Tu Derbaremen
Poem 3 - An Eye (Untitled) And an eye, mutely staring, Keeps, always, always, its gaze set, And lower and lower sinks My accursed, tired...
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